At Two Old Souls, Inc., we host online auctions that offer unique, one-of-a-kind, secondhand items you won't find anywhere else. From art and antiques to rare collectibles and vintage finds, our auctions are full of treasures waiting to be discovered. We carefully curate each auction to ensure all items are featured transparently.
Winners of auction lots can either pick them up locally in Ohio or, in some cases, we can ship them to other states at the buyer's expense (we do not offer international shipping).
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Benefits of online auctions for sellers:
You can avoid organizing a tedious yard or rummage sale, selling at a festival or flea market, or on an online marketplace like Facebook Marketplace and dragging items to a mutual meeting place.
By selling your items via online auctions, you avoid weather conditions that may hinder a live auction and circumvent the shipping fees incurred when selling on platforms like eBay and Etsy.
Sales & Marketing
Online auction platforms attract new and established bidders, increasing the chances of higher sale prices. These platforms utilize effective marketing strategies to showcase items, ensuring maximum seller exposure. Auction companies maintain transparency by implementing no hidden fees, making online auctions attractive for buyers.
Transparency & Security
You benefit from the transparency of online auctions' real-time bidding, as you can monitor interest in your items. To ensure a secure experience, buyers must register with a valid email, create a unique username and password, and receive admin approval before bidding.
Benefits of online auctions for buyers:
Easy Payment & Pick-Up
The payment and pick-up process is efficient and convenient, featuring various payment options. Clear instructions ensure that your item pick-up is easy. The well-organized locations and times make the entire experience hassle-free and fun!
No Nasty Weather or Shipping Fees
You, too, can avoid weather conditions that hinder a live auction and circumvent the shipping fees incurred when buying on platforms like eBay and Etsy. It is a win-win situation for buyers and sellers.
On Point Communication
The auction platform software is designed to email you about your online auction status and notify you if you've been outbid. After the auction closes, auctioneers and firms can send payment invoices and pick-up instructions through the platform. They can also send newsletter updates for upcoming online auctions.
Transparency & Diversity
You can trust online auctions due to real-time tracking and accessible bidding history, ensuring a fair transaction. The user-friendly auction platform allows for quick and easy searching and bidding, making it accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds to use the platform.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the definition of "auction?"
Per the Ohio DOA, "Auction" means a method of sale of real or personal property, goods, or chattels at a predetermined date and time using verbal exchange, regular mail, telecommunications, the internet, an electronic transmission, or a physical gesture between an auctioneer and members of the audience or prospective purchasers, the exchanges and gestures consisting of a series of invitations for offers made by the auctioneer and offers by members of the audience or prospective purchasers, with the right to acceptance of offers with the auctioneer. "Auction" includes a sale of real or personal property, goods, or chattels in which there has been a solicitation or invitation by advertisement to the public to advance the bids. A" deal or no deal" offering is an auction if multiple offers are entertained and the seller rejects or accepts the offers at a predetermined date and time.
Live auction vs. an online auction
The traditional form of auction is a live auction. It is hosted by a licensed auctioneer in real-time at the personal property's location. Winning bidders take their items home that same day.
"Online Auction" means auctioning personal property via a website or similar interactive communication medium overseen by a licensed auctioneer or firm. The platform is proprietary software that accepts and rejects bids and declares items, parcels or lots sold. An online auction can be called a live auction because the bidding takes place in real-time, but it is not traditional in-person, and the property is received on the same day.
What is an auction firm?
An auction firm is a person (or people) who provides auction services. It can manage, arrange, sponsor, contract for, take consignments, and handle monies for a personal property auction online or in person. A licensed auctioneer (not a firm) must conduct the bid calling if it is a live auction. An auction firm can only sell personal property.
To apply for the auctioneer license, auction firms must attend an approved auction school, secure a $25,000 surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit and pass a background check. They must then pass a written exam, which costs a fee. Continued Education is necessary to maintain the license.
What is an auction mediation company?
An auction mediation company is defined as a company that provides a forum through the Internet for a person to sell the person’s actual or personal property via the submission of silent bids using a computer or other electronic device. An auction mediation company offers an online forum for the auction firm or auctioneer to sell property at auction online. It is the virtual equivalent of a person renting a building to another to conduct auctions. An auction mediation company is merely providing the platform and not conducting auctions. An auction firm provides auction services.
What are auction services?
In Ohio, auction services arrange, manage, and sponsor a personal property auction. “Auction services” includes the taking and advertising of personal property on consignment to be sold at an online or live auction by a licensed auctioneer for a fee or other consideration. It is everything but the verbal bid calling at a live personal property auction.
What is a commission?
A commission is a fee that an auctioneer or auction firm receives for providing online auction services such as consignment, estate sales, liquidations, etc. It is generally a percentage of the total amount raised from the sale and can vary depending on the state and the auctioneer or auction firm. At Two Old Souls, Inc., we use a sliding scale to calculate our commission, considering the number of items to be sold, the type of items, the client's timeframe, and the pickup location. Remember that this commission is used to pay credit card processing fees, our staff and our website fees. The 12% buyer's premium does not go to us; it goes to the platform owner. Read more about the Two Old Souls, Inc. process on this website's "Auction Services" page.
What is a buyer's premium & proxy bidding?
The buyer's premium is a percentage added to the final bid price of the sale/auction win. This fee typically goes to the auction platform owner to cover the costs of running the auction platform. The buyer's premium is currently 12% and is applied to your total purchase amount before taxes.
In online auctions, proxy bidding is a feature that allows bidders to set the maximum price they are willing to pay for an item. The auction system then automatically places bids on their behalf in the lowest possible increments up to the maximum amount. Proxy bidding aims to win the item at the lowest possible price. More specifics are on this website's "Terms and Conditions" page.
Where/when do I pick up my winnings?
The summary at the top of each auction provides the pickup date and general location. If you are the auction lot(s) winner, you will be provided the exact property address via email with your invoice immediately following the auction close. Please make all attempts to bid on our online auctions only if you can make the pickup date/time listed under "auction details" above the first page of items.
Be sure you are bidding on items at an auction where you can pick them up on the date and time you choose. We understand that things happen, and you may not be able to make the pickup due to an unforeseen event. Please call or email us to make other arrangements before pickup, and we will do our best to accommodate you.
How do I know when Two Old Souls, Inc. is having an auction?
Sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date with our schedule of upcoming online auctions. You can also follow us on social media for an advanced look at our auction items or email us at
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What if I have a question about a firm or auctioneer's licensing?
We encourage all bidders and sellers to contact the auction manager with questions or concerns. There are several other auction companies on the J&K Estate Sales platform - look for our name listed as the "auction manager." Two Old Souls, Inc. Online Auctions follows all rules, regulations and licensing requirements of Ohio ORC 4707.101, which the Ohio Department of Agriculture mandates.
Ohio Department of Agriculture
Auctioneer Program
8995 E. Main St
Reynoldsburg,OH 43068
Phone: (614) 728-6350
Fax: (614) 728-6328
How do I register to bid on items?
The J&K platform requires all bidders to register using a valid email address. This is important because both bidders and winners receive essential communications via email. To register, go to and on the right-hand side, you will see the word “Register.” After clicking this, you will be directed to a page where you will choose your username and designate a unique password (case-sensitive, no spaces). Be sure to pick one you will remember, but not one so quickly that someone can figure it out.
You will then be asked to enter your first and last name, address, and phone number, agree to the “terms and conditions,” and verify that you would like to receive the J&K newsletter. No credit card info is required. After submission, one platform admin will review and approve your registration within 24 hours.
Once your registration is approved, you become an official bidder. You are personally accountable for purchases under your bidder number/username. After an auction closes, you should log into your account, review your bids, and confirm whether you’re a lot (or lots) winner. Remember, you can also sign in and out on the right-hand side of the platform.
What is a "lot?"
Each item or group of items is called a "lot." Sometimes, it is a single item, but many times, it is multiple items grouped. There are usually anywhere from 80 to 500 lots in an auction. You can peruse the lots by page or category or type a specific word into the search bar.